08 February 2019
National Sustainable Living Festival
1-28 of February, 2019
As part of the Archiblox ethos we want to be change makers.
We love to stay abreast of sustainable practices and pass it on to our clients and subscribers.
This month the City of Melbourne is partnering with the National Sustainable Living Festival to showcase the latest information and products available to help you live a better life with a smaller footprint on our precious earth.
This event is Australia’s longest running and largest sustainability festival and it will hit the street for it’s 20th year.

Image: Face | by RMIT
Image: Disruption | by SLF
Disruption - 2019 Theme
Disruptions for sustainability are happening right now all around the world – whether it’s the explosion in clean energy uptake, the surge of urban agriculture, the growth of regenerative farming or the breakthroughs in zero waste – this is a movement that’s shaking up the norms for a green new deal.
This year, the Festival’s program will present these disruptive solutions and change-makers to engage individuals and communities to spread the sustainability message around Melbourne and beyond.
With everything we care about now under threat, we must urgently address the climate emergency. Incremental small scale change just won’t make the cut. So, rapid action is now the only viable pathway for our protection. The Festival explores the groundswell of support for a decade of deliberate clean disruption at the scale and speed required.

Image: The Big Weekend | by SLF
The Big Weekend
Fed Square & Birrarung Marr, Melbourne
& surrounding suburbs
Date & Time
Saturday 10am – 6pm | Sunday 10am – 6pm
What’s On?
The Big Weekend is the premier event for the festival with over 100 events to challenge your thinking and inspire action. Come along and be inspired to find out how to put into practice some of the best insights from around the world.

Image: Man Talking | by SLF
Image: The Dome | by SLF
Get amongst the Festival’s Big Weekend Market and absorb yourself in the world of sustainability. Check out the huge array of products and services on offer to help you tread lightly. Get the latest on sustainable gardening, waste, design, homes, energy and transport.
Exhibitors include Zero Waste Victoria, where you can learn how to join the war on waste, Beyond Zero Emissions, who you can chat to about creating zero carbon communities, and Permaculture Victoria, who will be sharing their knowledge of permaculture.
Experience some incredible and unforgettable flavours & sounds over the Big Weekend. Featuring an amazing selection of delectable food, including plant-based street food with an Asian twist, vegan Greek pastries, heavenly pitas and delightful vegan baked goods. Plus a selection of local sounds and beats powered by the sun.
Visit to learn how you can make a difference
– even if it’s one small change.
Remember to bring your reusable water bottle and bag!

Image: Vegetables | by Peter Wendt
Image: Quote | by SLF
Image: Reusable Bag | by Sylvie Tittel
To find out more information on how to get involved in this event, please visit the Sustainable Living Festival

Below is a list of some of our favourite events:
Create Your Own Cleaning Products
9th of February, 2019 | 9:45AM – 12:00PM
Kathleen Syme Library & Community Centre
251 Faraday Street Carlton
Treadlie Bike Hub 2
9th of February, 2019 | 10:00AM – 6:00PM
The Dome | Birrarung Marr Melbourne
Climate Proof Your Garden
9th of February, 2019 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
The Garden | Birrarung Marr Melbourne
Grand Designs for Zero Emissions
9th of February, 2019 | 12PM – 1:30PM
The Dome | Birrarung Marr Melbourne
Off the Grid & Tiny Living
9th of February, 2019 | 3PM – 4:30PM
The Dome | Birrarung Marr Melbourne
Disruptive Design
9th of February, 2019 | 4:30PM – 6:00PM
The Dome | Birrarung Marr Melbourne

Considering Going Greener?
Consider one of our smart designs. Maximising sustainable strategies and creating spaces that flow through every sense is one of our main objectives.
Archiblox homes are designed around the sun, wind and weather patterns of the specific building site. It’s this awareness of natural systems that allow every Archiblox home to be supported by nature in a number of ways. As much as we harness natural elements, we also give back, by reducing our waste on site and at the facility, improving air quality & saving precious resources such as water.

Carbon Positive House
This house was featured at the National Sustainable Living Festival previous as part of the New Joneses initiative and it is a great example of what is possible when considering mindful living.
Carbon positive, in simple terms, means putting more energy back overall than is taken out to build a home.
This means the house has to be more or less self-sufficient to run and is constructed from modern, carbon-neutral materials.
There is no mechanical heating and cooling in the home. Cool tubes pull in cool air from the earth, which is used to ventilate the house.
Air is drawn through the house in vertical stacks as the tight seals keep the cool temperature in and the heat out.
There is also five kilowatts of solar power on the roof, the whole house has been designed to maximise solar gain. There is also edible gardens within the house itself and green sliding walls. There are no fans, it’s all just naturally ventilated, cooled and heated.
For more information on our Carbon Positive House < < < click here.
We love sharing all the new and exciting things happening at Archiblox, so make sure you’re following us on Instagram, Facebook and
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