28 November 2018
Best Plants for the Indoor Environment Quality of Your Home and Office
It won’t surprise you to hear that the majority of people spend the bulk of their time indoors, whether it’s at home or working in an office environment. As such, it’s important to ensure that air quality is of a high standard, something that regular houseplants can help achieve. Back in 1989, NASA conducted a Clean Air Study in association with Associated Landscape Contractors of America, in an effort to find the most effective common indoor plants for filtering harmful toxins and pollutants from the air. Their results have stood the test of time, and the most effective air filtering plants can be found below.
What's in Our Air?

What are the Effects on Humans?
Like most chemicals, the adverse health effects you may encounter depend on several factors, including the amount to which you are exposed, the way you are exposed, the duration of exposure and the form of the chemical. Below are common symptoms associated with each toxic agent.

Air Filtering Plants.
At Archiblox we always aim to integrate vegetation in our building designs. Here are some of the plants for improving the indoor air quality in both your home and workplace:

Sources and References:
NASA, GOV UK, and Wolverton Environmental.
Feature Project: Richmond House Richmond House < < < Click to see project.

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